Midify board adds MIDI port to Nintendo gaming handhelds

Not like you really need another excuse to use your DS as a MIDI controller, but the hacking fiends over at Division 6 have just made available the aptly-titled Midify board. The tiny creation enables users to add a MIDI port to just about anything, but it specializes in Midifying Nintendo handhelds. It can be installed directly into a GBA, GBA-SP, DS or DS Lite, though it'll play nice with other electronics should you procure a few extra parts. We won't even bother mentioning what all you can do with this, but those already salivating at the thought shouldn't have too much trouble parting with $34.99.

[ Via: Hack A Day ]
[ Tag: audio,Division 6,Division6,ds,ds lite,DsLite,gba,hack,midi,Midify,mod,music,nintendo,sound ]